ID: 11052 - Besitzer(in): Floyd und Yvonne |
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Montag, 27.12.2010
Ein Blumenstrauß für Keira
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Name: Keira
Rasse: Dackelmischling
Lebenszeitraum: Februar 2006 - 24.Juni 2006
Keira, You are my "baby" and I will always love you for as long as I live. All of the little things that you did, like eat my shoes, pee on the carpet and tear up my magazines, did nothing but make me laugh and love you even more. It made me happy when you slept at the bottom of my feet and when you did that little "Dackel" hop up the stairs after you went to the bathroom. When you were taken from me on 24 June 2006, my world went upside down and it doesn't feel right without you in the house. Hunter also misses his playmate and doesn't know what to do.....he is sad. I see you everywhere I sit and I think I hear you when I listen real hard. I am going to miss you, my baby, and I hope you are in heaven biting on the angels feets;) I can't stop crying and when I do, I have more tears that come out when I'm not expecting it. Why did you have to leave us? Why was that stupid lady driving so fast? Why couldn't my son just listen to me and keep you in the front of the yard where it was safe? I am in a lot of pain and I'm wondering when will it go away. A large part of me doesn't want the pain to go away because it is an extension of me to you and I don't want to lose that. Just remember that you are my "baby", "my little girl" and I will never forget you. I love you baby!!!!! Daddy
My dear little Keira, I miss you so much and i feel so bad without you. I am so sorry for that you have to die like that, that just because a kid did not listen to what he was told and especelly cause a woman which did speed and was on her phone. I feel bad cause it feels like it is my falt. I wish so much i would been there earlier, i should of taken you out that day. Oh Keira you are my Baby and a part of me is gone now and will never come back. I keep seing you on that street not even putting your head up no more your eyes looked so empty. So sorry that you were not allowed to get a big girl. I know in my heart you did love me you supported me when i felt so alone when I had nobody else you were there for me. You always came running to me when i said "come here girl". You were so beautiful the most special dog. The day you came to us was a real happy day , when they picked you up i was sitting at home hoping that nobody else would get you and then i saw you...oh Keira i want you back so bad.
When i was hugging your dead body i was hoping so much that God could let a miracle happen and you just start licking me again but it didnt happen. My heart is so broken and i dont want to stop thinking of you. I keep hearing you , and everything reminds me of you. I feel so alone without you , i miss touching your hot belly, mess with your ears and feel your little sharp teeth. Dont know if we can do anything to that woman which killed you but i promise you we will try all so she sees what she did. You were such a beauty with your little cute ears, your long body and i was so happy that we were getting ready to move soon so you could play with Hunter in the backyard. And now? Now i dont wanna move it feels like betraying you. Oh Baby Girl i am so so sorry please forgive me i love you and i always will. I know you were not years with us but you and me had a special bond. The house is so dead without you. You are missing here so bad where ever i go in the apt i keep wishing you just pop up and be back with us. Keira i am so sorry my baby why did you have to die??? This pain will never go away and i promise you i will never ever forget you. You are my baby girl , my little Keira, my Dackel I love you always your mommy |
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